Daily Cleaning Printable
Keeping a clean and organized home is an ongoing battle. I know all too well how things pile up and messes multiply – especially when you have kids in the house! Yet, I so enjoy having a clean and organized home, it looks and just feels better.
I do believe that if one is surrounded by a mess – life seems messier and more chaotic. If it’s true that we are what we eat, perhaps we also are what we are surrounded by. For those that stand back and take in a newly cleaned room with all senses, and smile – you know what I’m talking about.
Yet, back to cleaning, since that’s the hard part … I cringe that those who have designated cleaning days, how can one possibly stomach an ENTIRE day to cleaning the house? That’s just never been for me, I have other things that I need to do, and ones I’d rather be doing. Plus, if one only cleans once a week, I can only imagine how messy and dirty things become on the off days. Instead of designating a whole day, I’d rather spread it out.
This daily Cleaning Printable is just that – a full list of small cleaning tasks for the home. This checklist covers all areas of the home, especially those ones that you might not think of doing regularly.
Daily Cleaning Printable
From bedrooms to the junk drawers, bathrooms to the closets – this Daily Cleaning Printable is a master list to keep your home clean and organized, in just 30 days. When done, I start right at the beginning, since most of these things should be done every month at least.
Plus, many of these are such small tasks that they could only take minutes each day – so it can be easily done along with all of your other daily chaos.
I’d say ‘Happy Cleaning’ but, well, is there such a thing? Instead, ‘{Happy} get this cleaning stuff done quick so you can do other things‘. Yep, I can high-five to that.
For more Organized Life printables, make sure to check out: Printable 2016 Calendar, 2016 Meal Planner, Money Saving Challenges, and My Organized Life Printable Planner which includes a FULL package of printbales for a more organized life.
This might work for the hubby. He’s always asking what he can do to help. 🙂
This is a great chart – it would make the task of spring cleaning easier to really break the jobs down into one a day
This looks so awesome for helpers to be able to look at it and pick something they would like to do and help out around the house!!
Hey – this is great. Usually my problem is feeling too overwhelmed that I just don’t know where to start. Looks like today is Fridge day!