2 Easy Money Savings Challenges

“The art is not in making money, but in keeping it.”

Having a savings is essential to financial success. Not only does it prepare you for those unexpected financial responsibilities, but also gives you the wants from life – and not merely the needs. I firmly believe that we don’t live just to pay bills and die. It’s a blunt statement, but totally true.

Yet, life has a way of making us take steps back as we try and move forward. Sometimes it may feel like life’s wants aren’t truly attainable because we are so focused on the needs which have to be taken care of. This is where the importance of savings comes in, and it’s another truth that ‘every little bit helps’.

When I first started saving money, I’d put aside the change. It didn’t matter what it was {from a quick coffee stop to groceries}, any change placed in my hand would be put aside and not used as ‘money to spend’ anymore. Doing this adds up fast! Then, once day I was found $40 in a purse that I didn’t use for perhaps a good year. I didn’t even realize I had put it there, and obviously it wasn’t money that was missed. So, I added this to my stockpile of pocket change and decided to increase the amount I was putting aside for savings.

Want to increase your savings the easy way? Here are two Easy Money Savings Challenges to help you achieve your savings goals!

$15 Money Challenge to Save $780 in one year:

$15 money challenge easy savings

Here is a free printable to help you keep track of your $15 Money Challenge to Save $780 in one year. Keep track of your weekly savings and know that at this time next year, you’ll have $780 in savings! Click on the link to print this PDF to track your goals.

$20 Money Challenge to Save $1,040 in one year:

If you think $15 isn’t enough and you want to save more money in the next year, try this $20 Money Challenge to Save $1,040 in one year. Simply click the link to print!

$20 money savings challenge

Now that I’ve shown you how easy it is to save money in one year, your final spendings is the only decision to make! Perhaps you want to save for that vacation, or for Christmas gifts this year. Maybe you just want to have that ‘just in case’ fund for life’s surprises that seem to regularly pop up out of nowhere. You could do two at once as well, to save for both a future need and a future want!

Take one or both of these Easy Money Savings Challenges and see how simple it is to save money!

Which challenge would you take?


  1. What a difference five dollars can make a week! I would love to be able to save this kind of money and I hope that I can at some point. It really is accessible if you just plan well.

  2. I am going to do these! I need to get better about saving money and these charts and savings calendars show how easy it is.

  3. I love the charts you’ve put together especially. Thanks for putting such work into this. I looks like, if I follow your pattern, I should be able to pay for Christmas just in time for the holidays.

  4. These charts are great. I love how easy it is to save when you break it down money wise like that.

  5. that’s so crazy that just $5 makes that much of a difference. I’m a little behind but I would love to start doing this challenge instead of the other one I chose.

  6. What great charts. I’d love to do some sort of money saving challenge. It can be so tough for us with having such a big family something always comes up. But I’d love to try!

  7. So simple, yet hard for some, but if you stick to it – it’s possible! Great challenge idea!

  8. These are great ideas for an annual savings plan. I am doing one that goes by the week of the year (starts with $1 the first week and ends with $52 the last week of the year) but I am doing it backwards. So far, so good.

  9. I have seen so many of these money challenges but have yet to do one. I think they are a great idea though and would help save for Christmas!

  10. I swore I was going to do something similar this year, I am going to start now and get caught up!

  11. I am always looking for ways to save money. These are a great way to save a little at a time. I would try the $15 one first.

  12. I am going to share this with my Son. He has been wanting to save some money for the summer.

  13. My mom is a great saver. Every time she goes to the grocery store she gets $20 in cash back & squirrels it away. Love this organized way of saving.

  14. Great schedule! Very easily achievable especially if you do automatic transfer between accounts.

  15. Thanks for sharing these fun charts,going to give it a try and see if i can save some money this year !!

  16. I’m going to do the 20.00 challenge for Christmas! This was my last Christmas shopping at target and I’m having a hard time finding toy sale. I also keep my c52, snap, mail in rebate money aside for fun money like supper out out or something we want but don’t want to pay for.

  17. Love it…. it seems so easy…. i also like the one where in the first week you save $1, in the 10th week you save $10 dollars….. but i like to do it backwards cuz i find it hard to come up with $52 bucks a week to save right after christmas

  18. Pingback: 8 Money Saving Challenge Missions That Will Make You Feel Rich

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