Printable Meal Planner

This Printable Meal Planner includes a printable weekly menu, shopping list, and a hospitality menu for those special occasions.

Free Meal Planner Printable


Printable Meal Planner for 2019


As we end 2018 and start a new year, so comes many ‘resolutions’ on things we’d like to change for 2019. I don’t necessarily do resolutions per say, as I see them as wishes thrown to the universe that many do not act on. Instead, I make goals complete with steps to achieve. Attainable, realistic, and true needs for the fresh year.

One goal I do have for 2019 is more meal planning. It’s something that this home could benefit from as planning meals on a weekly basis has many great benefits.

Printable Meal Planner


Benefits of Meal Planning


Meal planning is a stress-relief, since we all know standing in front of the fridge frantic-like is anxiety-inducing. Work, errand,s appointments, activities – planning meals is part of the structure to keep the balance. And yes, organize the chaos.

Doing some planning of the meals also cuts down on the grocery budget, as you are more likely to stick to list and make less trips to the store. This means a lot less chances to impulse buy as well.

It also decreases the time spent relying on take-out and drive-thru meals, since those are usually a last minute decision. While there are ways to save money when eating out, it’s something that can add up very fast, so any one not done is savings in your pocket.

Free meal planning can be done with great success, and a great solution to save money in 2019, and a huge step in being more organized. Is now the time to suggest checking out my Free 2019 Printable Calendar? Ya, I had to.

This Free Printable contains three easy sheets for you to meal plan like a boss!

Printable Meal Planner


Printable Meal Planner


Included is a weekly menu {breakfast, lunch and dinner} to help you plan your meals. This is the first leap, and once you do so – you’re coasting. I’d suggest checking out what meats and meals you can create using ingredients at home first.

The second sheet is a printable shopping list that can be used in conjunction with the weekly menu. Write down you need and try to not stray too much!

The last is a hospitality planner for those special days and occasions that stand apart front the ordinary days. When company comes and it requires a little more planning and shopping, this list will be most helpful.

Together these free printable meal planner sheets will help you reach those goals of having a more organized life, or at least more organized meals!

If you’ve done meal planning before, write any tips you may have for newbies in the comments below!




One Comment

  1. I love the printable meal planner. It’s so great to be organized. Thanks so much for sharing!

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