7 Tips For Travelling With Toddlers

Summertime is synonymous with hitting the road and taking in attractions and sights that are somewhat near. Road trips are tons of fun for the entire family, but these 7 tips for travelling with toddlers are sure to make your next trip perfect. Not only do you want to have a relaxing vacation, you want your children to have fun as well.

Your toddler may not remember much about their vacation, but you still want to make it a comfortable and fun time for them. These easy tips are common sense ways to make that happen.

 Tips For Traveling With Toddlers


7 Tips For Travelling With Toddlers


Plan stops at parks, rest areas or play centers regularly. Toddlers will notice being cooped up in a car and get tired easily. Make sure to plan stops at parks, rest areas with parks and play centers at restaurants throughout your travels. This will give them a place to run and work off some energy so the rest of the trip won’t be so frustrating to them.

Buy new toys to surprise them with throughout the trip. The dollar store is a great place to pick up some inexpensive items to pack for your kids to enjoy throughout the trip. Simple toys, games, balloons and fun items for them to play with are great for travelling with toddlers. Colouring books and crayons are another great option to occupy your kids for hours. 

Pack the DVD player for their favourite movies and shows. While you don’t want to use television as a babysitter, it is a good idea to pack a DVD player or Kindle with your kids favourite movies and shows. Car rides, flights and downtime in a hotel room while you rest for your next event are all made easier when kids can be occupied for a little while with a show that keeps their attention.

Stick to regular schedules for snacks, meals and naps. This may be hard, but ultimately when travelling with toddlers you’ll want them to be in as close to their regular routine as possible. That means keeping meal and snack times regular, giving them routine play time as well as making sure they get their naps in and go to bed at a close to normal time each evening. 

Pack their comfort items like blankets, pacifier or stuffed animal. From the blanket they sleep with at night, to the stuffed animal they love comfort items help tremendously. They may not be able to tell you they miss home, but they will miss the routine and familiarity. Giving them something familiar from home to snuggle with will calm them and make it easier for them to be happy on your vacation.

Pack snacks and drinks for the road. There will be times it isn’t convenient for you to stop at a gas station. Pack their favourite snacks, juices, water and other snack items that are safe and easy for them to eat in the car so you don’t have to wait for the next pit stop.


These tips for travelling with toddlers are sure to make your next family vacation much easier to manage. Kids love going to new places, but the minor discomfort we can deal with is often upsetting to them.

Make sure you explain as best you can on their level, but most of all plan ahead and take plenty of items with you to keep them happy.

Have any other tips to share?



  1. Thanks for the tips. We have a roadtrip coming up and this will be helpful. But I fear we always have difficulty keeping her on a schedule already as it is…

  2. I don’t have a car but, I’ve taken road trips. I find road trips challenging as it takes longer to get to your destination but, I do appreciate the stops along the way to stretch or go to the washroom. I think I prefer to be on a bigger transport in general like a bus or a train than cramped in a car. Thank you for sharing your tips as they are useful in general to someone like me who’s not very comfortable on road trips.

  3. Thanks for the great tips! I haven’t gone on any long road trips with my little granddaughter yet, but next summer–look out!! :o)

  4. My trick was to visit the dollar store and stock up on new cheep toys that would last the trip.

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