
You’ll learn tidbits about me, through reading my posts.
Yet I thought it would be fun to make a list of 101 random things about me.
Here goes…

101 Things About Me

1. Sometimes we have cereal for supper. I’m completely OK with that.

2. My Twins were born by emergency c-section. Shortly put, one started pushing the other out causing a whole mess of chaos. The in-utero bully is still the bully of the other, to this day.

3. I am the youngest of 7 – an Oops a miracle

4. I have an intense fear of spiders – super intense!

5. Whenever at home, I wear PJ’s or Yoga Pants – I’m all about total comfort over anything.

6. I start many projects and never complete them. My to-do list will always be longer than this list

7. I wear glasses, sometimes contacts

8. I always sit cross legged in vehicles {when not driving, of course}.

9. You’d be lucky to catch me in a skirt or dress.

10. I still have my sticker book from when I was young

11. David Usher is my all-time favourite musician, ever. *Swoon* {‘St. Lawrence River’ gives me goosebumps, see video below}

12. Both my parents have passed, yet I know they are with me.

13. I have watched The Biggest Loser while eating potato chips.

14. I have a ‘don’t talk to me’ rule, until I have my first cup of coffee. I am a morning bear.

15. I am a complete sun worshiper, yet I live in Canada {?}

16. I have never skied beyond laps around the school, because they made me. I also refuse to ‘play in the snow’. Brrr.

17. Joan Jett will always be tops, and I’m not just saying that ’cause she can kick my a$$

18. I am very patriotic and love my country. Yet the extreme winters are enough to make me flee.

19. I know every single word to ‘Never Ending Story’ from watching it so much as a kid {including the background music}. It irritates people who watch it with me, and that makes me laugh.

20. There was a time when I considered myself a ‘twi-hard’. I even met Chaske Spenser’s family. I’m over it now.

21. I used to drive a Minivan, and I didn’t mind – until I got back into a luxury SUV. Like coming home!

22. I love thunderstorms, the louder and fiercer – the better.

23. I went on a student exchange to France and Germany at 16. Yet, I think I was too young and naive to really appreciate the opportunity.

24. I tried knitting once. I now have a {14 ft long X 3 ft wide} winter scarf. And, that’s pretty much the end of my knitting.

25. Up until I was 19, I was a Ukrainian dancer.

26. I rarely make my bed I now make my bed each and every morning, and it feels great

27. I’m not nice to telemarketers. At all. I don’t care if it’s their job, it’s annoying and needs to stop.

28. … UPS and Fed-Ex seem to always wake the kids. Also, Mr. UPS – stop kicking my door instead of knocking. I’m ready to yell at you. But, you bring me presents, so I haven’t yet. It’s like yelling at Santa…I just can’t

29. I took Nursing in college

30. A pet peeve of mine is seeing kids walking UP the slide at a playground. It’s like driving down the wrong side of the road. Where are their parents?

31. I love the smell of rain, fresh cut grass and Joop! cologne

32. With the amount of ‘keepsakes’ that I have saved for my children thus far, I’ll soon need a storage unit to house it all. But not in the ‘Hoarders’ sense of collecting. Yet.

33. I don’t watch reality TV, except for Big Brother.

34. I had a Hamster when I was young…

35. …His name was Chip…

36. …Having him ultimately taught me the word, ‘Rigamortis’. BTW, I love that word, it sounds cool.

37. …I also adore the word ‘Mopar’. It sounds tough…

38. …yet, I really dislike the word ‘balloon’. Not sure why, it’s just awkward.

39. I’m not a good singer at all, but I sing anyway…

40. …When Isabelle was 2, she used to cover my mouth with her hand when I started to sing. Seriously.

41. I cherish the warm Christmas spirit {except when being trampled in the stores at Christmastime}.

42. I used to watch Y&R with my Mom everyday…

43. …After my Mom passed, I continued to watch it faithfully for many years. She would have liked that.

44. 3 days before Isabelle was born, I made 18 Apple Pies from our Apple tree….

45. …We don’t have our Apple tree anymore, so I don’t make pies…

46. …But I make one mean apple pie!

47. Daisies to me, are like the sun. I love them.

48. My choice of cuss word? Freakin’…

49. ….I also said, “Son of A…” a lot, yet I’d never finish the sentence. I stopped saying it one day when Isabelle finished the phrase for me.

50. Getting new appliances excites me…

51. …More than shoes…

52. …And more than handbags

53. I believe that ‘God can exist in many places at one time’ David Usher

54. My first concert was N.K.O.T.B – and no, I’m not pleased about that. But, I was at the time.

51. My dream is to go to Bali

52. The first time I seen the ocean was in Punta Cana, DR. It started my love affair for the island life.

53. …And I ‘visit’ these happy places in my mind, every day.

54. I am not a perfect parent, and have never claimed to be.

55. I have made many many mistakes in my life

56. ‘Alive’ by Edwin makes me cry, laugh and dream all at the same time {the amazing video is at the end of this post}

57. I became an Auntie at age 3

58. I am now a Great-Aunt to many

59. I’d do anything to help a friend

60. I am capable of forgiving, but never forgetting

61. I am addicted to Tim Horton’s

62. I have only one houseplant that I have not killed and it’s a hibiscus tree. I think that’s a sign that I was destined for the island life.

63. When I was young I had a paper route, so that each month I could get a new piece of Barbie furniture. Bless my Mom for teaching me about work ethic, to earn & save money and to appreciate my toys {oh, and for walking with me to deliver the papers, ’cause I was young and scared of those 2 really mean dogs down the street}

64. I have drafts of posts I started years ago, and never hit ‘publish’.

65. Carbs are my weakness

66. I dream of being a runner…

67. …And not the struggling runner, but one that loves to run {‘at this point I don’t understand how anyone can truly ‘love it’. I want proof that it’s possible.}

68. I hardly give my kids sweets, but love their excitement when I do

69. I enjoy blogging, but my kids come first. Always.

70. I have Photoshop, but have rarely use it…

71. …because I prefer original un-touched photos, as ‘imperfect’ as they may be…

72. …it’s almost like editing too much, distorts memories

73. I strive to have gorgeous flowerbeds every year…

74. …even if the kids destroy them continually

75. In a fire, I would first save my kids {duh!}…

76. …then my DSLR. My precious.

77. My Aunt lives down the street from the real Amityville House…

78. … I have never visited her. Maybe that’s why?

79. I love movie night with my girls. It’s our special time.

80. I cannot ever drink Wildberry Coolers again. Even the smell makes me gag. You can probably guess why.

81. I have literally ran from stores yelling, “Start The Car!” after hitting an awesome sale.

82. I love coupon stacking when I think of doing it.

83. I used to have an old Camaro with T-tops. It was hawt!

84. I’m an 80’s music lover

85. I only listen to Country while camping, They go hand in hand.

86. My Dad used to talk in Czech when he was mad.

88. I have never broken one bone on my body. Knock on wood. I broke my first bone, my little toe, while in Mexico just recently. #MexicoProblems

89. I have had a poem published

90. I cannot stand the phrase, “You have your hands full”…

91. …Or, “Double Trouble”

92. I have a Hypothryroid

93. I have one tattoo

94. I am fascinated with Airports, Flight and airplanes….

95. …maybe I’ll be a pilot when I grow up

96. I can’t roll my R’s…

97. …Yet would love more than anything to speak Spanish fluently.

98. I live in the same city which I was born

99. Before the Twins I worked for the government…

100. …caring for people with mental and physical disabilities …

101. …. I am now a WAHM-boss of 3 beautiful daughters, and love it more than anything!

My Soul:

My Dreams:
