10 Year Old Self

Today I reminisce on my 10 year old self. True, where I’m from is filled with daylight hours spent outside riding bikes and making treehouses. Myself and my bestie at the time used to have picnics under the weeping willow tree and build all sorts of crazy things.

Day spend indoors? We watched Much Music – a lot. Not only did we watch, sing and have mini dance-parties right there in the living room, but we also wrote letters to Erica Ehm. Yep, VJ with the mostess, we used to pour our creative heart and soul into drawing video requests to send to Erica. When really, thinking back, unless you watched the channel all.the.time, you’d never know if your request was shown and video played. But we wrote anyway. Erica, did you ever honor our requests?

As for movies – we were obsessed with The NeverEnding Story. Obsessed. #Nerd

I couldn’t even guess how many times we watched the movie, rented from the corner store, of course. I’m sure the place stayed in business with this particular video rental alone. Between myself and my friend, we had it more days than not.

This love-affair with the movie brought on new letter-writing, this time to Warner Bros. Yep, my 9 year old self wrote OMG letters to Warner, not only gushing about my love – but also demanding to own the Auryn. Seriously.

Being the #1 fan and since my name was Tammi, same as Tami Stronach from the film, I really did think it should be mine. So, I asked for it, even sending along an extra envelope for their convenience. I’m sure I think think about return postage though, so that must explain why I never received it…

Thanks to Google, there’s an update on where MY Auryn is these days. Apparently the ‘original prop is now kept in Steven Spielberg’s office’. Prop? Pfft, it’s meant to be worn, buddy. What doesn’t this guy have?

Ok, so why the trip down memory lane today?

Well, this past Saturday was the weekly Family Favorite day at Cineplex theatres and for the first time I got to see The NeverEnding Story on the big screen! I KNOW!

Since the start of this promotion, with proceeds going to the Starlight Children’s Foundation, the kids and I have been hitting the theatres most Saturdays. Yet a viewing of The NeverEnding Story? That was awesome! Really, I grinned like a bafoon the entire time, trying not to annoy my oldest *too much* with still being able to recite each and every word of the film.

Don’t let my 10 year old nerd-self fool you though.

True, I did spend plenty of time riding bikes, writing and truly believing in Fantasia. Yet, there were other favorites of amusement as well.

Let’s just say these 2 friends liked to order: pizzas from two different places, chinese food and two different cab companies – all to show up at my neighbors house, at the same time. Back before call display, yet I’m sure they must have seen us peeking from the living room curtains.

But that’s another story….


This post is in no way sponsored by anyone.
Just sharing my life, a great way to support charity and perhaps embarrassing myself a little!



  1. Hilarious.

    Speaking of reminising, where is Erica Ehm today? Glad you asked, I googled her (what did we do without Google) and she’s the creator/publisher of Yummy Mummy (of which I’m a follower and didn’t know she was involved, me bad, http://www.yummymummyclub.ca/blogs/erica-ehm-exposed).

    I’m sure she’d love to hear from you again (especialy this post, who knows, she might even remembe rher little stalker). However, hold the self-addressed envelopes and just tweet her.

    1. Actually, I could have just asked her!
      I met Erica in person a few years back and have seen her many times in the past few years at events and blogging conferences. Funny how this never came up in convo, but we did have a chat about it on twitter yesterday!

  2. I find it funny to look back at myself at that age aswell, what my likes and dislikes were.. Loved your tales of 10 year old you 🙂

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